Vital Rust - EU Monthly | 2x | Vanilla+ | No BP Wipes

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Welcome to where the best of Rust are competingBlueprints Schedule: Blueprints will never wipeWipe Schedule: A week prior to force @ 5pm London Time and First Thursday of every month @ 7pm London TimeServer is set to have nice QoL Features:2x Loot tables will all junk removedSlightly adjusted loot respawnsSlightly adjusted Furnace/Smelt speedsFree Features also include: Auto Electrical Branch output setting, Boosted input/output for Water Catchers, Automatic Team Authorization for Turrets and Tool Cupboards, Chainsaws will always hit the resource marker, adjustments to Torpedoes including damage dealt and more, no pay wall, no pay to win. All Free, enjoy.store.vitalrust.comSupport can be found in our Discord: discord.gg/vital
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