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Zig-zagging: Don't run in a straight line. Make unpredictable turns to make it harder for them to bite your tail.
Ambush Stance + 180 Rotation: If a tailrider is close, quickly enter ambush stance and immediately spin 180 degrees. If you time it right, you might land a bite on them first and discourage further attacks.
Fighting Back (Situational): If a single herbivore is tailriding and you're a relatively strong carnivore, try to turn the tables. Inflicting damage might make them reconsider.
Heading to Safety: Look for friendlies or areas with carnivores larger than the tailrider. This might cause them to break off their attack.
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Unbalanced Gameplay
Kos (Kill on Sight): Without rules against revenge killing or targeting, players can attack anyone at any time. This leads to constant, unprovoked killing, making it hard to progress or try out new dinosaurs.
Power Imbalance: Apex carnivores (like Rexes) dominate. Weaker dinosaurs and new players become easy targets, struggling to survive long enough to grow.
Lack of Strategy: Gameplay devolves into constant, mindless fighting. Hunting strategies and the tension of survival become secondary.
Toxic Behavior
Griefing: Players can deliberately harass others by camping bodies, spawn killing, preventing access to water, or tailriding relentlessly. This disrupts gameplay and creates a hostile environment.
Metagaming: Without rules against using external communication tools to track players, players can gain an unfair advantage, disrupting intended hunting dynamics.
Exploits: Hackers and players abusing gameplay bugs have more freedom to wreak havoc in no-rule environments, as admins have less authority to intervene.
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Время игры на сервере: — Нет данных за последние две недели. — Нет данных за всё время.
Unbalanced Gameplay
Kos (Kill on Sight): Without rules against revenge killing or targeting, players can attack anyone at any time. This leads to constant, unprovoked killing, making it hard to progress or try out new dinosaurs.
Power Imbalance: Apex carnivores (like Rexes) dominate. Weaker dinosaurs and new players become easy targets, struggling to survive long enough to grow.
Lack of Strategy: Gameplay devolves into constant, mindless fighting. Hunting strategies and the tension of survival become secondary.
Toxic Behavior
Griefing: Players can deliberately harass others by camping bodies, spawn killing, preventing access to water, or tailriding relentlessly. This disrupts gameplay and creates a hostile environment.
Metagaming: Without rules against using external communication tools to track players, players can gain an unfair advantage, disrupting intended hunting dynamics.
Exploits: Hackers and players abusing gameplay bugs have more freedom to wreak havoc in no-rule environments, as admins have less authority to intervene.
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Время игры на сервере: — Нет данных за последние две недели. — Нет данных за всё время.
Unbalanced Gameplay
Kos (Kill on Sight): Without rules against revenge killing or targeting, players can attack anyone at any time. This leads to constant, unprovoked killing, making it hard to progress or try out new dinosaurs.
Power Imbalance: Apex carnivores (like Rexes) dominate. Weaker dinosaurs and new players become easy targets, struggling to survive long enough to grow.
Lack of Strategy: Gameplay devolves into constant, mindless fighting. Hunting strategies and the tension of survival become secondary.
Toxic Behavior
Griefing: Players can deliberately harass others by camping bodies, spawn killing, preventing access to water, or tailriding relentlessly. This disrupts gameplay and creates a hostile environment.
Metagaming: Without rules against using external communication tools to track players, players can gain an unfair advantage, disrupting intended hunting dynamics.
Exploits: Hackers and players abusing gameplay bugs have more freedom to wreak havoc in no-rule environments, as admins have less authority to intervene.
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