Rusticated.com - US Trio | Thursday Wipes
Уровень 1 Баллов: 98/500
Игроков онлайн

Rusticated Generated Maps
Valve Anti-Cheat
Прошлый вайп
Game port:
Query port:
- 1.Скопируйте адрес подключения
- 2.Вставьте адрес подключения в поле ввода в игре
- 3.Нажмите кнопку "Подключиться"

Thursday weekly wipes, Blueprints wipe every MonthBuy SkipQueue at: www.rusticated.com/vipDiscord: www.rusticated.com/discordPlease follow the rules below:
- English in chat
- Max of 3 players authorized on Codes & TC's at all times
-Max of 3 players per group
- Max of 3 players per base
- Max of 3 players roaming /raiding
- No making deals of any kind with another team to not kill each other/work together
- No allowing a player in your base from another group under any circumstances
- No Allies and or Slaves
- No hotels / giving away bases (you can abandon a base)
- No Racism, Homophobia, Harassment or Excessive Toxicity
- No Advertising
- Any form of cheats / hacking is not allowed
- Staff have final say, being toxic to staff will get you automatically removed
- Any association with a gamebanned rust account or playing with a user with a old gamebanned rust account will cause you to be banned
Swapping Rules:
- Remove all bags/beds for the players that is leaving
- Change codes ( If you don't change codes you can potentially be banned for authorizing more than 3)
- Clear TC
- Player that is leaving can not return to your group for the rest of wipe
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