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Opposing Force
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this server is palestinian server not isr@el server
by time for coop (AEAR)
maybe the server heavy and crash alot and need time to download to join
i try put fastdl idk if is it work if the download still slow hope you tell me here
for all who wonder whats happened to server
there many players try to connect but becuase there many models and plugins used like weapons..etc the download slow and take time to join so they leave im at now delete these plugins and make the server only for coop
but maybe in future i will make it back again
another note the server cant be available or online whole the time because there something wrong or bug with hlds steam cmd i try open it but its closed without message and after time its open with no reasons and some time doesnt want open so this why the server keep offline for long time

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ybu8alka 10 месяцев назад
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I love co-op servers. I remember in 2010 there was one Co-op server on Half-Life opposing Forse, I liked to play there, but there is definitely no server... It's funny that this one appeared
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[TimeFC]Opposing Force Co-Op
[TimeFC]Opposing Force Co-Op 10 месяцев назад
thanks yea this why i open it i was love this oldschool days when i play coop back in 2012 in reality this server was open in 2020 but i closed in 2023 to moved in steam version hope you enjoy <3
ratlosnew 10 месяцев назад
Время игры на сервере: — Нет данных за последние две недели. — Нет данных за всё время.
Can u add me on discord my username is " .ratlosnew " and tell me how to make my own coop server? also can u add custom mods and maps like hazard course 2?
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1 человек отметили этот отзыв как полезный.
[TimeFC]Opposing Force Co-Op
[TimeFC]Opposing Force Co-Op 10 месяцев назад
this so basic you just need a mod on modb called half life opposing force coop v2.0 about hazard course 2 coop its already on server btw i make it so all mods i make it will sure available on server
Nikita_789 10 месяцев назад
Время игры на сервере: — Нет данных за последние две недели. — Нет данных за всё время.
Tell me, do you have any contacts, how can I contact you, for example, Telegram or Discord?
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[TimeFC]Opposing Force Co-Op
[TimeFC]Opposing Force Co-Op 10 месяцев назад
sure thing here my discord ! AEAR contact with me if there something wrong or about server
KakalllaNice 10 месяцев назад
Время игры на сервере: — Нет данных за последние две недели. — Нет данных за всё время.
why is the server offline? I want to play in co-op mode
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[TimeFC]Opposing Force Co-Op
[TimeFC]Opposing Force Co-Op 10 месяцев назад
its not offline i open it before 1 hour but idk why this website show it offline
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